use std::io::BufRead;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use quick_xml::{
events::{BytesEnd, BytesStart, BytesText},
use crate::simplify::{simplify_quote, SimplifiedText};
struct Dehtml {
strbuilder: String,
quote: String,
add_text: AddText,
last_href: Option<String>,
divs_since_quote_div: u32,
divs_since_quoted_content_div: u32,
blockquotes_since_blockquote: u32,
impl Dehtml {
fn is_quote(&self) -> bool {
self.divs_since_quoted_content_div > 0 || self.blockquotes_since_blockquote > 0
fn get_buf(&mut self) -> &mut String {
if self.is_quote() {
&mut self.quote
} else {
&mut self.strbuilder
fn get_add_text(&self) -> AddText {
if self.divs_since_quote_div > 0 && self.divs_since_quoted_content_div == 0 {
AddText::No } else {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
enum AddText {
pub(crate) fn dehtml(buf: &str) -> Option<SimplifiedText> {
let (s, quote) = dehtml_quick_xml(buf);
if !s.trim().is_empty() {
let text = dehtml_cleanup(s);
let top_quote = if !quote.trim().is_empty() {
} else {
return Some(SimplifiedText {
let s = dehtml_manually(buf);
if !s.trim().is_empty() {
let text = dehtml_cleanup(s);
return Some(SimplifiedText {
fn dehtml_cleanup(mut text: String) -> String {
text.retain(|c| c != '\r');
let lines = text.trim().split('\n');
let mut text = String::new();
let mut linebreak = false;
for line in lines {
if line.chars().all(char::is_whitespace) {
linebreak = true;
} else {
if !text.is_empty() {
text += "\n";
if linebreak {
text += "\n";
text += line.trim_end();
linebreak = false;
fn dehtml_quick_xml(buf: &str) -> (String, String) {
let buf = buf.trim().trim_start_matches("<!doctype html>");
let mut dehtml = Dehtml {
strbuilder: String::with_capacity(buf.len()),
quote: String::new(),
add_text: AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds,
last_href: None,
divs_since_quote_div: 0,
divs_since_quoted_content_div: 0,
blockquotes_since_blockquote: 0,
let mut reader = quick_xml::Reader::from_str(buf);
reader.config_mut().check_end_names = false;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
loop {
match reader.read_event_into(&mut buf) {
Ok(quick_xml::events::Event::Start(ref e)) => {
dehtml_starttag_cb(e, &mut dehtml, &reader)
Ok(quick_xml::events::Event::End(ref e)) => dehtml_endtag_cb(e, &mut dehtml),
Ok(quick_xml::events::Event::Text(ref e)) => dehtml_text_cb(e, &mut dehtml),
Ok(quick_xml::events::Event::CData(e)) => match e.escape() {
Ok(e) => dehtml_text_cb(&e, &mut dehtml),
Err(e) => {
"CDATA escape error at position {}: {:?}",
Ok(quick_xml::events::Event::Empty(ref e)) => {
dehtml_starttag_cb(e, &mut dehtml, &reader);
&mut dehtml,
Err(e) => {
"Parse html error: Error at position {}: {:?}",
Ok(quick_xml::events::Event::Eof) => break,
_ => (),
(dehtml.strbuilder, dehtml.quote)
fn dehtml_text_cb(event: &BytesText, dehtml: &mut Dehtml) {
static LINE_RE: Lazy<regex::Regex> = Lazy::new(|| regex::Regex::new(r"(\r?\n)+").unwrap());
if dehtml.get_add_text() == AddText::YesPreserveLineEnds
|| dehtml.get_add_text() == AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds
let event = event as &[_];
let event_str = std::str::from_utf8(event).unwrap_or_default();
let mut last_added = escaper::decode_html_buf_sloppy(event).unwrap_or_default();
if event_str.starts_with(&last_added) {
last_added = event_str.to_string();
if dehtml.get_add_text() == AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds {
let last_added = LINE_RE.replace_all(&last_added, " ");
let buf = dehtml.get_buf();
if !buf.ends_with(' ') && !buf.ends_with('\n') && last_added.starts_with(' ') {
*buf += " ";
*buf += last_added.trim_start();
} else {
*dehtml.get_buf() += LINE_RE.replace_all(&last_added, "\n").as_ref();
fn dehtml_endtag_cb(event: &BytesEnd, dehtml: &mut Dehtml) {
let tag = String::from_utf8_lossy(
match tag.as_str() {
"style" | "script" | "title" | "pre" => {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "\n\n";
dehtml.add_text = AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds;
"div" => {
pop_tag(&mut dehtml.divs_since_quote_div);
pop_tag(&mut dehtml.divs_since_quoted_content_div);
*dehtml.get_buf() += "\n\n";
dehtml.add_text = AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds;
"a" => {
if let Some(ref last_href) = dehtml.last_href.take() {
let buf = dehtml.get_buf();
if buf.ends_with('[') {
buf.truncate(buf.len() - 1);
} else {
*buf += "](";
*buf += last_href;
*buf += ")";
"b" | "strong" => {
if dehtml.get_add_text() != AddText::No {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "*";
"i" | "em" => {
if dehtml.get_add_text() != AddText::No {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "_";
"blockquote" => pop_tag(&mut dehtml.blockquotes_since_blockquote),
_ => {}
fn dehtml_starttag_cb<B: std::io::BufRead>(
event: &BytesStart,
dehtml: &mut Dehtml,
reader: &quick_xml::Reader<B>,
) {
let tag = String::from_utf8_lossy(
match tag.as_str() {
"p" | "table" | "td" => {
if !dehtml.strbuilder.is_empty() {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "\n\n";
dehtml.add_text = AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds;
"div" => {
maybe_push_tag(event, reader, "quote", &mut dehtml.divs_since_quote_div);
maybe_push_tag(event, reader, "quoted-content", &mut dehtml.divs_since_quoted_content_div);
*dehtml.get_buf() += "\n\n";
dehtml.add_text = AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds;
"br" => {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "\n";
dehtml.add_text = AddText::YesRemoveLineEnds;
"style" | "script" | "title" => {
dehtml.add_text = AddText::No;
"pre" => {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "\n\n";
dehtml.add_text = AddText::YesPreserveLineEnds;
"a" => {
if let Some(href) = event
.filter_map(|attr| attr.ok())
.find(|attr| {
== "href"
let href = href
if !href.is_empty() {
dehtml.last_href = Some(href);
*dehtml.get_buf() += "[";
"b" | "strong" => {
if dehtml.get_add_text() != AddText::No {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "*";
"i" | "em" => {
if dehtml.get_add_text() != AddText::No {
*dehtml.get_buf() += "_";
"blockquote" => dehtml.blockquotes_since_blockquote += 1,
_ => {}
fn pop_tag(count: &mut u32) {
if *count > 0 {
*count -= 1;
fn maybe_push_tag(
event: &BytesStart,
reader: &Reader<impl BufRead>,
tag_name: &str,
count: &mut u32,
) {
if *count > 0 || tag_contains_attr(event, reader, tag_name) {
*count += 1;
fn tag_contains_attr(event: &BytesStart, reader: &Reader<impl BufRead>, name: &str) -> bool {
event.attributes().any(|r| {|a| {
.map(|v| v == name)
pub fn dehtml_manually(buf: &str) -> String {
let mut strbuilder = String::new();
let mut show_next_chars = true;
for c in buf.chars() {
match c {
'<' => show_next_chars = false,
'>' => show_next_chars = true,
_ => {
if show_next_chars {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_dehtml() {
let cases = vec",
("<b> bar </b>", "* bar *"),
("<i>foo</i>", "_foo_"),
("<b> bar <i> foo", "* bar _ foo"),
("& bar", "& bar"),
("<a href='/foo.png>Hi</a> ", "Hi"),
("No link: <a href=''/>", "No link:"),
"No link: <a href=''></a>",
"No link:",
("<!doctype html>\n<b>fat text</b>", "*fat text*"),
("<!some invalid html code>\n<b>some text</b>", "some text"),
for (input, output) in cases {
assert_eq!(dehtml(input).unwrap().text, output);
let none_cases = vec!["<html> </html>", ""];
for input in none_cases {
assert_eq!(dehtml(input), None);
fn test_dehtml_parse_br() {
let html = "line1<br>line2";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "line1\nline2");
let html = "line1<br> line2";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "line1\nline2");
let html = "line1 <br><br> line2";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "line1\n\nline2");
let html = "\r\r\nline1<br>\r\n\r\n\r\rline2<br/>line3\n\r";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "line1\nline2\nline3");
fn test_dehtml_parse_span() {
assert_eq!(dehtml("<span>Foo</span>bar").unwrap().text, "Foobar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("<span>Foo</span> bar").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("<span>Foo </span>bar").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("<span>Foo</span>\nbar").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("\n<span>Foo</span> bar").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("<span>Foo</span>\n\nbar").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("Foo\n<span>bar</span>").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
assert_eq!(dehtml("Foo<span>\nbar</span>").unwrap().text, "Foo bar");
fn test_dehtml_parse_p() {
let html = "<p>Foo</p><p>Bar</p>";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "Foo\n\nBar");
let html = "<p>Foo<p>Bar";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "Foo\n\nBar");
let html = "<p>Foo</p><p>Bar<p>Baz";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "Foo\n\nBar\n\nBaz");
fn test_dehtml_parse_href() {
let html = "<a href=url>text</a>";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "[text](url)");
fn test_dehtml_case_sensitive_link() {
let html = "<html><A HrEf=\"\">case in URLs matter</A></html>";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "[case in URLs matter](");
fn test_dehtml_bold_text() {
let html = "<!DOCTYPE name [<!DOCTYPE ...>]><!-- comment -->text <b><?php echo ... ?>bold</b><![CDATA[<>]]>";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
assert_eq!(plain, "text *bold*<>");
fn test_dehtml_html_encoded() {
let html =
"<>"'& äÄöÖüÜß fooÆçÇ ♦‎‏‌&noent;‍";
let plain = dehtml(html).unwrap().text;
"<>\"\'& äÄöÖüÜß fooÆçÇ \u{2666}\u{200e}\u{200f}\u{200c}&noent;\u{200d}"
fn test_unclosed_tags() {
let input = r##"
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
lots of text
let txt = dehtml(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt.text.trim(), "lots of text");
fn test_pre_tag() {
let input = "<html><pre>\ntwo\nlines\n</pre></html>";
let txt = dehtml(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt.text.trim(), "two\nlines");
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)]
async fn test_quote_div() {
let input = include_str!("../test-data/message/gmx-quote-body.eml");
let dehtml = dehtml(input).unwrap();
let SimplifiedText {
} = dehtml;
assert_eq!(text, "Test");
assert_eq!(is_forwarded, false);
assert_eq!(is_cut, false);
assert_eq!(top_quote.as_deref(), Some("test"));
assert_eq!(footer, None);
fn test_spaces() {
let input = include_str!("../test-data/spaces.html");
let txt = dehtml(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt.text, "Welcome back to Strolling!\n\nHey there,\n\nWelcome back! Use this link to securely sign in to your Strolling account:\n\nSign in to Strolling\n\nFor your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time.\n\nSee you soon!\n\nYou can also copy & paste this URL into your browser:\n\n\n\nIf you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email.\n\nThis message was sent from []( to [](");